Quick Bit

Nullish Coalescing (try to say it quickly ten times)


One of my favourite features which were added in ES2020 is nullish coalescing. Despite its difficult pronunciation, this feature is a simple way of checking for falsey values. Let's have a look.

The nullish coalescing operator is a short-circuiting operator you can use to provide an alternative for a left-hand side operand by writing ??. You might already have used && or || before. So how is this different? Let's take the following examples:

const a = '' || 'unknown' // results in 'a' being 'unknown'
const b = 0 || 'unknown' // results in 'b' being 'unknown'
const c = false || 'unknown' // results in 'c' being 'unknown'
const d = NaN || 'unknown' // results in 'd' being 'unknown'

This is because '', 0, false and NaN are falsey values. The nullish coalescing operator however will only return the right-hand side operand if the left-hand side operand is either null or undefined.

Practical example

Let's say you want to display unknown if somebody's amount of points is not known (arbitrary React.js sample code):

const person = {
    name: 'Roberta Woods',
    email: 'roberta.woods@example.com',
    location: 'California',
    points: 0

return <dl>
    <dd>{person.name || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.email || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.location || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.points || 'unknown'}</dd>

In this case, points will display unknown which isn't right. We know the number of points, it's 0. Previously, a fix would have been to also check if points is 0 or a number in general and then display that. By using the nullish coalescing operator we can keep our code clean and simple:

const person = {
    name: 'Roberta Woods',
    email: 'roberta.woods@example.com',
    location: 'California',
    points: 0

return return <dl>
    <dd>{person.name || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.email || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.location || 'unknown'}</dd>

    <dd>{person.points ?? 'unknown'}</dd>

That's it! I won't bother you with a bunch of other examples. This feature is one of those additions that you will probably find helpful in a variety of code you write and need to check for values. As always, thanks for reading!

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