Elevator Pitch

I am a Senior Front-end Consultant, Developer Advocate, and Google Developer Expert for Web, with a rich background in development and design. I have amassed considerable experience creating state-of-the-art, human-centered web applications. As a Developer Advocate, I take immense joy in sharing my expertise with fellow developers and empowering them with the tools, resources, and support needed to deliver exceptional web experiences.

I have a unique perspective on web development, combining my experience in both development and design to deliver exceptional results for clients. I am skilled in developing user interfaces that enhance the user experience and enjoy working collaboratively with designers to create visually engaging designs. My approach to web development is always user-centered, ensuring that the end product is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. My expertise in user-centered design ensures that my web solutions are not only visually stunning but also intuitive and easy to use.

I have worked with a wide range of organizations, including large multinationals and small startups, and have helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. In my current role as a Senior Front-end Consultant, I continue to deliver innovative, user-centered web solutions that exceed client expectations.

In conclusion, my skills, experience, and passion make me a valuable asset to any organization. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to an organization's mission of delivering exceptional web experiences and look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Work Experience

  • Frontmen

    3 years

    • Senior Front-end Developer/Consultant

      | Amsterdam, NL
    • Developer Advocate

      | Amsterdam, NL
    • Team Captain

      | Amsterdam, NL

    At ANWB, I play a crucial role as a member of the Design System team, contributing to the development of the ANWB Design System - Poncho. This system is widely used by over 60 developers and 40 designers, supporting over a hundred web applications.

    My work involves two primary areas of focus. Firstly, I am responsible for providing major architectural solutions for the organization. This includes establishing a new way of working between development and design for design tokens through the Design System. I skillfully utilize my soft skills to get all stakeholders on board while also utilizing my technical expertise to develop solutions. I am essential in any major change in the ANWB's way of working, as it all starts with Poncho. This requires me to be versatile in various roles, including technical, business-focused, and other related areas.

    Secondly, I serve as a dependable support system to all front-end developers at ANWB. This includes providing assistance with questions regarding Poncho and providing input on development decisions in general.

  • Mirabeau

    3 years

    • Senior Front-end developer

      | Amsterdam, NL
    • Medior Front-end developer

      | Amsterdam, NL

    My experience at Mirabeau involved building interactive web applications and front-end component libraries while taking on various roles such as front-end developer, visual designer, interaction designer, back-end developer, and DevOps engineer. I primarily focused on building interactive web applications using React.js and Next.js while actively participating in the design and development process from start to finish.

    In addition to building web applications, I also worked on component libraries using HTML, CSS (SASS), and vanilla JS, which were used by development teams or standalone websites. I acted as a bridge between the design, front-end, and back-end teams, and became a valuable point of contact for a variety of stakeholders, using my natural confidence and communication abilities to take the lead successfully.

    Finally, my passion for knowledge sharing manifested in activities such as code reviews, presentations, articles, guest lectures, workshops, and meetups. I also coached front-end developers of all seniority levels, finding joy in helping others grow in a meaningful way.

  • ViriCiti

    2 years

    • Front-end developer

      | Amsterdam, NL

    At ViriCiti, I was responsible for creating user experience and visual designs, as well as building interactive real-time front-end data visualization and monitoring applications for electric vehicles and charging stations. Similar to my role at Mirabeau, I handled the roles of front-end developer, visual designer, interaction designer, back-end developer, and DevOps engineer daily.

    My main focus was building interactive web applications (React.js and Node.js), while being solely responsible for the design and development process. I conducted user interviews and tests, worked on visual explorations, designed components, and defined an overall visual style for all products.

    Additionally, I worked closely with the back-end team for a significant portion of my time in this role.

  • Wallscope

    2 months

    • Front-end developer

      | Edinburgh, UK

    During a short-term project as part of my studies, I worked for Wallscope on a project for the NHS regarding the visualization of linked data. In this role, I gained experience working with the SPARQL Query Language, RDF, and natural language processing.

  • Cohere

    4 months

    • Front-end developer

      | Amsterdam, NL

    During my internship at Cohere, I built an interactive front-end application to view real-time data on the energy use and generation combined with the charging data of electric cars. Similar to my roles at ViriCiti and Mirabeau, I handled the roles of front-end developer, visual designer, interaction designer, and back-end developer daily.

    In this role, I mainly focused on building components and functionalities for the platform.


  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

    4 years

    BASc Communication and multimediadesign (Cum Laude)

    | Amsterdam, NL

    I graduated cum laude on Communication and Multimediadesign with full marks (10) on an interactive real-time data visualization application on charge station monitoring. I created an application flow and interactive dashboard application as part of my project.

  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

    6 months

    Minor web development

    | Amsterdam, NL

    I followed the minor web development, which was completely focused on developing for the web. During this minor, I took courses in real-time web, browser technologies, web performance, single-page applications, and more.